Thursday, March 27, 2014
Tip #1: Keep Yourself Motivated.
Think back to when you were a child. If your teacher was not enthusiastic about what he or she had scheduled for class that day, how did you feel about it? It's the same with young children today. If you, the teacher and often a role model for younger children, think this is a neat activity, then they will too!
Tip #2: Encourage.
Young kids thrive on praise and positive attention from the adults in their lives. If you want them to like you and be motivated in your class, you often just need to give them a lot of positive attention.
Tip #3: Play Games.
Children learn through play. Oftentimes they don't even realize they are learning if they are enjoying the game. Just think, children could sit there and fill out worksheet after worksheet or they could play an English game and learn the same concepts. Which would you rather do?
When I say English games I'm talking about games that are specifically designed to teach language and vocabulary. For example, you could turn using vehicle vocabulary into a relay game where children need to pick a card with a word and then run to a box of vehicles (or a stack of pictures of vehicles) and bring the correct one his or her classmates.
Here is another example: If you might normally give them a worksheet to write the correct verb next to the picture illustrating the action, have them instead practice their verbs by doing the action for the word you say or the word on a card that you hold up. Likewise, you could do the action and have them write down the word. You may access free samples of fun classroom games in the resource box below.
When you play games, you can use points and competition as a motivator, but not for kids under six who may find the competition too stressful. For them, just playing the game is motivating enough. You can also sometimes award extra credit, but use it sparingly so that it remains "extra" and a special reward. Also if you use it too much, children can have so much extra credit that it sways the actual grades too much.
Tip #4: Get Their Hands Dirty Literally and figuratively.
Children like to work with their hands and whatever you can do to get the items they are learning about in their hands is useful and fun for them. This can be anything from having a sensory table filled with sand and beach items when you want to teach them summer words to having them each bring in a piece of fruit when you are teaching fruit words. Anytime you can get young children up and doing instead of listening (often passively) you are getting their hands dirty in the learning process.
Tip #5: Get Them Moving.
Movement is a vital component to motivating children. The best way to prevent children from zoning out is to get them up out of their seats at least once each class period. Even if you just require them to come up to you instead of you going to them for help, the movement can help get them out of the trance that they sometimes get from sitting in one spot too long. Grouping the children for study projects and activities helps as well. If you can, let them move the desks around or sit on the floor to change things up as well. Many games involve movement without the children needing to leave their seats, such as miming, moving certain body parts and passing things around as part of a game or race. Therefore even teachers with large classes and no space to move can use this technique, albeit to a more limited degree.
Tip #6: Vary the Pace.
Alternate calm games with lively ones to keep the children alert and motivated, but without letting the class get out of hand. Good discipline is essential to effective learning.
Think back to when you were a child. If your teacher was not enthusiastic about what he or she had scheduled for class that day, how did you feel about it? It's the same with young children today. If you, the teacher and often a role model for younger children, think this is a neat activity, then they will too!
Tip #2: Encourage.
Young kids thrive on praise and positive attention from the adults in their lives. If you want them to like you and be motivated in your class, you often just need to give them a lot of positive attention.
Tip #3: Play Games.
Children learn through play. Oftentimes they don't even realize they are learning if they are enjoying the game. Just think, children could sit there and fill out worksheet after worksheet or they could play an English game and learn the same concepts. Which would you rather do?
When I say English games I'm talking about games that are specifically designed to teach language and vocabulary. For example, you could turn using vehicle vocabulary into a relay game where children need to pick a card with a word and then run to a box of vehicles (or a stack of pictures of vehicles) and bring the correct one his or her classmates.
Here is another example: If you might normally give them a worksheet to write the correct verb next to the picture illustrating the action, have them instead practice their verbs by doing the action for the word you say or the word on a card that you hold up. Likewise, you could do the action and have them write down the word. You may access free samples of fun classroom games in the resource box below.
When you play games, you can use points and competition as a motivator, but not for kids under six who may find the competition too stressful. For them, just playing the game is motivating enough. You can also sometimes award extra credit, but use it sparingly so that it remains "extra" and a special reward. Also if you use it too much, children can have so much extra credit that it sways the actual grades too much.
Tip #4: Get Their Hands Dirty Literally and figuratively.
Children like to work with their hands and whatever you can do to get the items they are learning about in their hands is useful and fun for them. This can be anything from having a sensory table filled with sand and beach items when you want to teach them summer words to having them each bring in a piece of fruit when you are teaching fruit words. Anytime you can get young children up and doing instead of listening (often passively) you are getting their hands dirty in the learning process.
Tip #5: Get Them Moving.
Movement is a vital component to motivating children. The best way to prevent children from zoning out is to get them up out of their seats at least once each class period. Even if you just require them to come up to you instead of you going to them for help, the movement can help get them out of the trance that they sometimes get from sitting in one spot too long. Grouping the children for study projects and activities helps as well. If you can, let them move the desks around or sit on the floor to change things up as well. Many games involve movement without the children needing to leave their seats, such as miming, moving certain body parts and passing things around as part of a game or race. Therefore even teachers with large classes and no space to move can use this technique, albeit to a more limited degree.
Tip #6: Vary the Pace.
Alternate calm games with lively ones to keep the children alert and motivated, but without letting the class get out of hand. Good discipline is essential to effective learning.
Link direct to:
1. Pengenalan Program
2. Tatacara dan Panduan Permohonan
3. Syarat-syarat Permohonan
4. Jenis-jenis penyakit kronik
5. Senarai Bidang-bidang ditawarkan
6.Borang Permohonan Online
7. Borang Perakuan Ketua Jabatan
8. Borang Senarai Semak
Best of Luck to all of u Teachers!!!Good Nite everyone..
Link direct to:
1. Pengenalan Program
2. Tatacara dan Panduan Permohonan
3. Syarat-syarat Permohonan
4. Jenis-jenis penyakit kronik
5. Senarai Bidang-bidang ditawarkan
6.Borang Permohonan Online
7. Borang Perakuan Ketua Jabatan
8. Borang Senarai Semak
Best of Luck to all of u Teachers!!!Good Nite everyone..
Dear My Panel Teachers:
Feel free to download syazalina83 font which is useful n suitable for primary kids level...and do browse her blog at syazalina83@blogspot.com for more informations about KSSR/KBSR n our latest news on education n sort of aids n sharing ideas on our LP.
Feel free to download syazalina83 font which is useful n suitable for primary kids level...and do browse her blog at syazalina83@blogspot.com for more informations about KSSR/KBSR n our latest news on education n sort of aids n sharing ideas on our LP.
Dear Teachers; lets hear what the world says about us.....
A teacher affects eternity:
he can never tell where his influence stops.
Henry Adams
he can never tell where his influence stops.
Henry Adams
What nobler employment, or more valuable to the state, than that of the man who instructs the rising generation.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Marcus Tullius Cicero
The important thing is not so much
that every child should be taught,
as that every child should be given the wish to learn.
John Lubbock
that every child should be taught,
as that every child should be given the wish to learn.
John Lubbock
Those who educate children well are more to be honored than parents, for these only gave life,
those the art of living well.
those the art of living well.
What office is there which involves more responsibility, which requires more qualifications, and which ought, therefore, to be more honorable than teaching?
Harriet Martineau
Harriet Martineau
By learning you will teach;
by teaching you will understand.
Latin Proverb
by teaching you will understand.
Latin Proverb
Education is the mother of leadership.
Wendell L. Willkie
Wendell L. Willkie
Seldom was any knowledge given to keep, but to impart; the grace of this rich jewel is lost in concealment.
Bishop Hall
Bishop Hall
If you would thoroughly know anything, teach it to others.
Tryon Edwards
Tryon Edwards
We cannot hold a torch to light another's path without brightening our own.
Ben Sweetland
Ben Sweetland
Grammar speaks; dialectics teach us truth; rhetoric gives colouring to our speech; music sings; arithmetic numbers; geometry weighs and measures; astronomy teaches us to know the stars.
Latin Maxim
Latin Maxim
We learn by teaching.
James Howell
James Howell
Natural ability is by far the best, but many men have succeeded in winning high renown by skill that is the fruit of teaching.
It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken
joy in creative expression and knowledge.
Albert Einstein
joy in creative expression and knowledge.
Albert Einstein
You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself.
Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei
The most effective teacher will always be biased, for the chief force in teaching is confidence and enthusiasm.
Joyce Cary
Joyce Cary
It is a luxury to learn; but the luxury of learning is not to be compared with the luxury of teaching.
Roswell D. Hitchcock
Roswell D. Hitchcock
Education is the guardian genius of democracy.
It is the only dictator that free men recognize,
and the only ruler that free men require.
Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar
It is the only dictator that free men recognize,
and the only ruler that free men require.
Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar
Whatever you want to teach, be brief.
To me, education is a leading out of what is already there in the pupil's soul.
Muriel Spark
Muriel Spark
Nine-tenths of education is encouragement.
Anatole France
Anatole France
The true aim of every one who aspires to be a teacher should be, not to impart his own opinions, but to kindle minds.
F. W. Robertson
F. W. Robertson
He that teaches us anything which we knew not
before is undoubtedly to be reverenced as a master.
Samuel Johnson
before is undoubtedly to be reverenced as a master.
Samuel Johnson
To teach is the center of to learn.
Japanses Saying
Japanses Saying
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember.
I do and I understand.
Chinese Proverb
I do and I understand.
Chinese Proverb
Happiness Quotes
When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.Helen Keller
Happiness resides not in possessions and not in gold; the feeling of happiness dwells in the soul.
The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts; therefore guard accordingly.
Marcus Aurelius
People with many interests live, not only longest, but happiest.
George Matthew Allen
Happiness is not a goal, but a by-product.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Happiness is not achieved by the conscious pursuit of happiness; it is generally the by-product of other activities.
Aldous Huxley |
Monday, March 24, 2014

so, don't you ever loose hope to our children guys! Keep on going!

What is RELTMAX??? from imilia
Attended 5 days course at English Language Teaching Centre, Bandar Enstek Negeri Sembilan from 24th until 28th February 2014 for Phase 1 2014. The course will be continuing for 3 years. The first phase of the course is focusing on KSSR Year 1(L&s, Reading, Writing & Language Arts)
Attended 5 days course at English Language Teaching Centre, Bandar Enstek Negeri Sembilan from 24th until 28th February 2014 for Phase 1 2014. The course will be continuing for 3 years. The first phase of the course is focusing on KSSR Year 1(L&s, Reading, Writing & Language Arts)
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Sometimes WE just need something really smart to say to inspire and
motivate OURSELVES and those around US, and, if you are like ME, those
times don’t come around every moment of the day.
Luckily there
are people who have had flashes of brilliance throughout history when
talking about the concept of education, teaching and learning and
someone even smarter wrote it down.
These quotes will make OUR students and friends around us think that we are a deep and intellectual thinker
and hopefully inspire and motivate them too!!!!
Children have to be educated, but they have also to be left to educate themselves
Education costs money, but then so does ignorance.
Teaching kids to count is fine, but teaching them what counts is best
The greatest sign of success for a teacher ... is to be able to say,
'The children are now working as if I did not exist'