The English Panel of SK Guar Lobak is made up of 15 experienced English teachers. It aims to raise the standard of English among the pupils through various English programmes and interesting supporting activites. It is responsible in bringing out excellent results and success to the school and its pupils


Sunday, April 6, 2014


In phase 1, English Panel Heads (EPHs) are introduced to the TTB Model© through the demonstration of various types of child-friendly, play-based activities and the developmental stages involved in the teaching and learning processes. In addition, the EPHs are required to experiment these activities in their classrooms before carrying out school-based CPD in their respective schools.

Phase 2 is involves EPHs returning to report and share views on activities which were successful and unsuccessful. This is followed by discussions on problem solving issues and concerns EPHs faced during the experimentation of the activities. The introduction to School-based assessment is introduced in this phase where EPHs are shown samples of materials and documentation methods. In additions, the standard documents are discussed and matched against the activities carried out in phase 1. EPHs will be required to collaboratively map out unit maps and design or create materials based on the KSSR curriculum, textbooks and activity books. These materials will then be uploaded onto the ‘RELTresources’ website.

Enjoy it, children! You can create your own one.

by tqhdrs